Finish 2022 Strong
Make an impact for the Kingdom of God
by supporting Resolved Ministries
Letter from Cole Cleveland,
Founder & President of Resolved Ministries
The last 14 months have been crucial in allowing us to wrap our minds around this mission that the Lord has been leading us into. Similar to Noah, who did not know the capacity in which his obedience would impact the world, we have trusted God’s goodness and followed His lead as we have approached this endeavor. There are so many people to thank regarding their council, advice and support as we have spent all of 2022 getting off the ground, and now we are ready to run!
As we look at the landscape of the journey ahead, the scope, impact and reach that Resolved Ministries will be able to achieve is beyond what I ever thought possible just a few short years ago. By God’s Grace, our leadership team has been able to organize and structure each of these ministries in such a way that will compliment one another and allow the focus of the Gospel to be centralized. Although there is much work to be done, we have already seen significant influence that our ministry has had on the lives of those it has touched.
We are about to mail out our end of year magazine! If you have not filled out a request form to receive your magazine, please do so here! As you will see in this magazine, Resolved Ministries will have a wide array of missional responsibilities, which will make up the whole of the family of ministries. With a single purpose in mind, we have combined sports ministry, educational responsibility, spiritual development and missionary training to create a family of ministries involved with Resolved Ministries. Each of these missions will be individually managed under the oversight of our executive leadership team.
This ministry took root in my heart in 2020 as I looked at the current spiritual climate of our nation and became grieved by the world in which my four children were going to grow up into. Instead of sitting back and allowing the culture to dictate the world that my children were going to develop in, I sought to provide an opportunity for them to learn what it means to live for Christ in all facets of life. This passion was ignited in my spirit the more I studied the Puritan movement. I have always enjoyed reading the Puritans and studying their steadfast devotion to God, but suddenly their zeal became real in my soul as Resolved Ministries began to form.
You will be able to read in this article (“Why Resolved?”) the purpose for choosing the name “Resolved.” There seemed to be no better explanation for what our intentions were in regards to our mission. Our purpose of existence is to prepare, train and equip this next generation for the inevitable “Babylon” that is to come (see article). We must be resolved to preach the Word of God faithfully, disciple the saints continually and evangelize the lost persistently. We must be willing to stand against the culture and stand for the Truth of the Word of God no matter the cost.
I know that it will be an impossible task to try and explain every aspect of all of these ministries into a single magazine, but I hope this will give you a taste of Resolved Ministries. As we get set to run the race that has been set before us, we ask that you would partner with us! We need your support in order to accomplish this mission. As you look through our website and the magazine that will be mailed to you, please consider making a financial contribution to Resolved Ministries.
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Resolved Academy
Coming Fall 2023!
The Resolved Academy Advantage
What makes us different?
Theologically Pure
The term "Christian" becomes more liberal with each passing year. Our passion is to be theologically pure in the teaching of the Word of God. This means we must avoid how the culture has redefined "Christianity," and instead, "set our minds on the things that are above."
Pursuit of Excellence in the Classroom
Our faculty and staff will be the highest-level of educators. We will be rigorous in our hiring process to ensure the very best educators for our students. We will also provide to our educators continuous training to ensure the standard of education never ceases. This will include the necessity of being Biblically sound and Doctrinally precise in all facets of education.
Hybrid Model Weekly Schedule
Tuesdays and Thursday will be a hybrid model of schooling, which will begin at 8:00am and dismiss at 2:00pm.
Wednesdays will be focused on Enrichment classes and Apprenticeship opportunities.
Mondays and Fridays will be focused on home activities and training that will take place with parents and family.
Apprenticeship Opportunities
The philosophy of our education is to train and equip the entire student in all facets of education. This includes the preparation necessary for the student to be able to enter society ready to be successful in his teenage years.
The Pursuit of Athletic Excellence for the Glory of God
Resolved Resources
Discipleship & Evangelism
Resolved Projects Coming Soon...
Please Support Our Ministries!
We need your help in reaching the next generation for the Glory of God! We strive to prepare believers to live for Christ in our culture, while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world around us. We are able to do this through academics, athletics and media.
Posted in Articles
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