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Blessed Are The Merciful

Blessed Are The Merciful

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Matthew 5:7

This is to be happy with an eternal mindset. It's not temporary happiness, but lifelong joy. This is to find absolute peace in your life, no matter your circumstances. To be “blessed” is to understand that you have been given grace by a Holy God. Even though we are dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1-3), it is God who has chosen to make us alive in Christ (Ephesians 2:4). “For by Grace are we Saved Through Faith” in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). This comprehension should bring to you much joy!

To be "blessed" is to understand and submit to the Sovereignty of God in all situations. Whether things are going well or poorly, you know that you have been blessed by the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. You surrender to His Sovereign will and you have submitted to His decree. To be “blessed” is to view yourself as nothing more than a servant of the King, and no matter the assignment given to you, you will joyfully carry it out with all hope of eternity.

As you consider “blessings” don’t think of just physical gifts that God gives to us — that is a worldly mindset. To be "blessed" is to be totally satisfied in Christ no matter your circumstances. The difference between a genuine believer in Christ and one who is just in search of “blessings” is found in the result of the search. The world is seeking the benefits of Jesus, where the true believer is pursing Christ Himself. The world calls healing a “blessing,” but will not call sickness a “blessing.” The world will call a prosperous person “blessed,” but will not understand that a poor man can be “blessed.” It is not the results of Christ that are the blessings, but it is Jesus Christ Himself. He is sufficient. He is all-satisfying. Pursue Him as a deer pants for the water (Psalm 42:1-2).

Consider the “blessing” that is found in Psalm 34:8-9…

8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
    Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
9 Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints,
    for those who fear him have no lack!

The psalmist continues after sharing his personal testimony, and as he continues he begins to urge others around him to follow Christ. This is what should happen in your life. If you have tasted to see that the Lord is good, then you should tell others about it. It is like being an Ambassador for a good restaurant. If you will tell others about the great burger you just ate, then why won’t you tell them about Jesus? Is He not infinitely sweeter and more satisfying?

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!”

What a cool sentence to read in the Bible. My mind immediately goes to the deer panting for the water and being satisfied with the water from the stream (Psalm 42:1-2). That deer was desperate to drink... dying of thirst.... And the stream of water was the quench to his thirst. That is exactly what we realize in Christ.

Have you tasted the Lord and found Him to be good?

“Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!”

Remember that to be “blessed” is to be happy with an eternal mindset. To be “blessed” is to be totally and completely satisfied in Christ alone no matter your circumstances in life. To be “blessed” is to find lifelong joy in the sovereignty and supremacy of a Holy God.

There is blessing found in the refuge of our God. The refuge that we receive from God is both immediate and eternal. We receive immediate refuge from a desire to be like the world. The grace of God pulls us out of the cultural desire to live in the filth of our trespasses and sins. The eternal refuge we gain from God is when we are finally saved from eternal damnation. We receive refuge from the wrath of God.

Isn’t it amazing to think that the believer in Christ will never experience the wrath of God? Praise the Lord! Praise Him for His mercy!

“Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints,
    for those who fear him have no lack!”

This is a call for the believer to fear God and nothing else. Do not fear the world. Do not fear the culture. Do not give any credence to the offerings of this society. Fear God! 

Remember, do not turn to the left. Do not turn to the right. Set your mind on things that are above (Colossians 3:1-2). Do not allow this culture to infiltrate your life and influence what your life as a believer looks like. Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:7-9).

A simple definition of mercy is this: "Not receiving something that you do deserve." The official definition says, "undeserved love and kindness; help given out of love." Or one Bible scholar had this to say when defining mercy: "Mercy is compassion for the miserable. Its object is misery. By the atoning sacrifice of Christ a way is open for the exercise of mercy towards the sons of men, in harmony with the demands of truth and righteousness (Gen. 19:19; Ex. 20:6; 34:6, 7; Ps. 85:10; 86:15, 16). In Christ mercy and truth meet together."

Mercy is a godly characteristic that we should strive for. God shows us mercy, in that, we deserve eternal damnation and the wrath of God poured out upon us, "but God showed His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8) "But God who is rich in mercy because His great love makes us alive… for by grace are we saved through Faith…" (Ephesians 2:4-9).

Summary of the Beatitude
People around us fail daily — people around us are imperfect. But we can show them mercy. We don't have to jump someone's case every single time they mess up. We can be merciful. I once had a coach that only found the things you did wrong and was always on your case about every little thing that was wrong. It was miserable to play for him. On the contrary, I have had coaches that were merciful and encouraging to get things right. And that is the type of person I want to be. 

How can you show mercy today? How can you show mercy in your marriage? How can you show mercy at work? How can you show mercy to your kids? How can you show mercy in your church body?
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