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Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

“Blessed are the pure in heart,
 for they shall see God.

Matthew 5:8

This is to be happy with an eternal mindset. It's not temporary happiness, but lifelong joy. This is to find absolute peace in your life, no matter your circumstances. To be “blessed” is to understand that you have been given grace by a Holy God. Even though we are dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1-3), it is God who has chosen to make us alive in Christ (Ephesians 2:4). “For by Grace are we Saved Through Faith” in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). This comprehension should bring to you much joy!

To be "blessed" is to understand and submit to the Sovereignty of God in all situations. Whether things are going well or poorly, you know that you have been blessed by the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. You surrender to His Sovereign will and you have submitted to His decree. To be “blessed” is to view yourself as nothing more than a servant of the King, and no matter the assignment given to you, you will joyfully carry it out with all hope of eternity.

As you consider “blessings” don’t think of just physical gifts that God gives to us — that is a worldly mindset. To be "blessed" is to be totally satisfied in Christ no matter your circumstances. The difference between a genuine believer in Christ and one who is just in search of “blessings” is found in the result of the search. The world is seeking the benefits of Jesus, where the true believer is pursing Christ Himself. The world calls healing a “blessing,” but will not call sickness a “blessing.” The world will call a prosperous person “blessed,” but will not understand that a poor man can be “blessed.” It is not the results of Christ that are the blessings, but it is Jesus Christ Himself. He is sufficient. He is all-satisfying. Pursue Him as a deer pants for the water (Psalm 42:1-2).

"Pure in heart"
Purity is to be innocent. To be "white as snow." To be found not guilty. To be clean. And purity in heart is to be found with a clean and innocent heart that is not guilty of sinning against God.

A pure heart can only be given from God. We cannot make our hearts pure. Only God can give to us a clean and pure heart.

As a believer in Christ, we need to be living a life of repentance. We need to be continually asking God, "Create in me a clean heart, O God!" This is something that David asked for in his repentant state after sinning against God. And this must be our daily attitude toward God. We must desire that God would make us pure, that God would keep us innocent. But in all reality, most of the time we want to rebel against this attitude. Most of the time we don't want to be found innocent. We WANT to watch that TV Show... we WANT to listen to that music... we WANT to lust after that girl... we WANT to choose money over our spiritual walk... we WANT to choose our own selfish desires over submitting to the Lordship of Christ. That is the reality of our daily life.

But as a Christian, your heart has been made clean and pure by the double imputation of Jesus. He took on your sin and he imputed his righteousness to you. You are reconciled to God! You are Justified. And now we are walking in our sanctification, and in our sanctification, we make mistakes and we need to be continually repentant, realizing that our lives are not holy -- but with need to pursue holiness! This is to live a life with a pure heart. To be holy and blameless before God. To walk in a manner that is worthy of the calling to which you have been called.

"They shall see God"
This is not doubt talking about the fact that we will be with God in eternity, but there is more. This is the Christian and biblical and ONLY perspective that is True. When you are consistently seeking and pursuing God and living in a repentant spirit with a pure heart, your framework of how you make decisions in your life is through the Word of Truth. Your Christian framework sets forth a biblical mentality of how you make decisions, how you respond to people in adversity, how you work at your job, and how you function in the body of Christ. A man with a pure heart "sees God" in his daily walk. Meaning that, his mind is set on what God wants to for life and what God's will is for his life.

Summary of the Beatitude
Even this morning, ask God to give you a pure heart with a desire to live a life of purity before God. Even this morning, ask God to allow you to live with a framework of pursing God's passions for you life.
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